Monica and I bought our first house in August this year, and one of the coolest features of the house (for me, anyway) is the basement. I was pleasantly surprised to see that this basement was mostly finished and had a very cool atmosphere to it, or at least had the potential. So with the help of my Dad, who is the construction genius, we began work on the rooms and turning it into what will be the future home of M&M Studio!
These are before shots of the basement. Pardon the mess!

We began by framing in the foyer at the bottom of the stairs.
I had a real lucky day about a month back, and snagged this baby at the Goodwill outlet store for $29.99!

I took it home and gave it a real good cleaning. Got it apart and sprayed all the pots and switches with Deoxit to help clear up any scratchiness. On power-up, 2 of the fuse lamps were out.

At that point, I did a little research and ended up ordering a bunch of 8V 200ma fuse lamps specific to this unit, and installed them. Here is a gut shot:

Once the lamps were in and the unit was cleaned out, I polished up the front panel and all the knobs, hooked it up and got to hear one of the best stereo receivers I've ever heard in my life! This is a definite keeper!

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